Your body is your most priceless possession... so take care of it.

Discover our new feature - Personalized Health Reports

Vitamin injections take seconds to administer and are 100% absorbed by your body.

Blood test at home or in our office without long queues or waiting!

What does your DNA say? Learn what is encoded in your genes.

Why is IV or IM therapy one of the best ways to keep yourself healthy? You can find the answers to this and many other questions here.

Select a procedure

Select either IV/IM procedure or a blood test.

Attend a consultation

We will determine the justification of the procedure.

Book a date

Pick a convenient time and place for your procedure or consultation.

Feel better!

Maintain your health.

Improves your well-being

100% Privacy

Quality products

Licensed medical staff

We appreciate your concerns and suggestions to improve our services. We look forward to your comments.
KoduÕe Abi OÜ
These products are not intended to diagnose or treat disease. The material on this page is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult our doctor before starting therapy.